Business Recovery

BIZ utilizes the experience of its consultants and information provided by the client to develop plan documentation. BIZ understands the critical components of an effective business recovery plan and begins immediately to identify and categorize the resources and processes needed for a successful recovery. Specifically, the BIZ Recovery Planning Process includes:

  • Kick off meeting to present project objectives and deliverables, introduce the team, and provide a recovery overview
  • Conducting interviews of key personnel of the selected business and technology departments
  • Perform a Business Impact Analysis (BIA)
  • Perform a GAP Analysis
  • Identifying the people, equipment and systems needed for a recovery
  • Preparing a draft of the department Business Recovery Plan for review by interviewed personnel
  • Assembling a complete Business Recovery Plan, including a crisis management plan, business recovery plans for all departments interviewed, procedures to activate the recovery process, and a page for executive sign-off

Technology Recovery

With regard to Technology Recovery, BIZ begins immediately to identify and categorize the resources needed for a successful recovery. Specifically, the BIZ Technology Recovery Planning Process includes:

  • Technology Review
  • Identify Critical Applications and develop scripts for recovery.
  • Perform Equipment Inventory
  • Develop a Dependency Matrix
  • Technology Plan Development
  • Testing and Documentation
  • Recovery Checklist

Test Plans

BIZ will develop a comprehensive test plan to exercise the capability of both the Business Recovery Plan and the Technology Recovery Plan. In addition, BIZ will manage the testing of both plans. Test plans will include:

  • Successfully bringing critical applications up from their respective recovery sites
  • Establishing planned recovery capability for users at specified recovery locations
  • Logging of issues which arise during the test
  • Post test review, remediation, and recovery plan update